Lennart Nilsson, born in Strängnäs in 1922, is a pioneer in medical photography. In association
with researchers and with the help of advanced, specially designed equipment, he has
documented the inside of man down to the level of a cell. Throughout the years, ha has devoted
special attention to capturing the creation of a human being, from conception to birth.
you can find the full biography by going to this link: http://www.lennartnilsson.com/biography.html
"In my opinion who can visualize their own experience of something in their life and make the viewer to feel the same experience,is an artist" Lennart Nilsson
In some decade that Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon,medical photographer Lennart Nilsson with the 1965 publication of his photo essay,"The Drama of Life Before Birth" took people to the other direction,to the very orgins of human life,a pioneering study that continues to this day.
NOVA: What do you do for light inside the womb?
LN: We put in a light with the fibers all the time. And sometimes we put in another light from the side too, when we have space. But the piece I just worked on in Göteborg was unbelievable. The fetus was moving, not really sucking its thumb, but it was moving and you could see everything—heartbeats and umbilical cord and so on.
It was extremely beautiful, really beautiful! And I did some panning ... I was extremely satisfied with the 0.8. So this is a new way.
LN: We put in a light with the fibers all the time. And sometimes we put in another light from the side too, when we have space. But the piece I just worked on in Göteborg was unbelievable. The fetus was moving, not really sucking its thumb, but it was moving and you could see everything—heartbeats and umbilical cord and so on.
Electron Microscope images are in black and white,to make his Electron Microscopic photograph more appealing and more legible,he uses the digital manipulation
Some example Electron Microscope images from Lennart Nilsson's work:
Bacteria absorbed by one then ,Bone Marrow
destroyed by chemicals in the
Hairs on the head ,The Femaile hormone
Killer T cells ,Light reaching the retina of the eye
He has the instruments,ideas,technology,computer techniques.lennart and his colleagues try to create or see something, which has not been known before just to discover something together. " This is my dream" said Lennart Nillson
I found his work very fascinating and the way,he manages to surprise people about something that is extremely well known.I mean, human reproduction,the human body,narrative and so on.He surprises everyone with a new technique.
Technique and Equipments:
Nillson taught himself everything he could discover about the human foetus.In the earliest stage he used macro-lenses and super wide angled endoscopic lenses made for him by Karl Storz in Germany and Jungners Optiska in Sweden. In addition to his work using Hasselblad and Nikon cameras to photograph extra-uterine pregnancies,he used the endoscope to photograph the living foetus in the amniotic sac.endoscope size no longer than eight-tenths of a millimeter in diameter including the lens and case with
the focal length less than one-tenth of a millimeter.
Holborn,M(Ed).2006.Life,London:Jonathan Cape.
The Royal Photographic Socety(2008).Giant Steps.The Royal Photographic
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