Saturday, 17 October 2009

Emotion and Motion in human body

“Vision itself is a dynamic process. There is little in the world that stands still, at least not as imaged in our retinas, for our eyes are always moving. The visual system is almost exclusively organized to detect change and motion.” Haldan K.Hartline

Hartline,H.K.1972.’Visual receptors and retinal interaction’ In Nobel lectures,Physiology or Medicine 1963-1970.Amsterdam:Elsevier Publishing Company,P.281

The eye is free to explore the space it inhabit. It flicks, glances, pans, tilts-all in, literally, the blink of an eye.

Our eyes provide us a magical picture of the world. They record every moving image unlike the camera they don’t record what is really out there.They highlight the things we are interested in, enhance them in countless ways, and always put the object with the most interest in the middle of the frame

How can I show this beautiful part of body which invisibale to the naked eyes?!

I quite often ask myself what is so essential to our experience and our behaviour? I think emotions are central to human experience and behaviour.Our feeling and passions are so essential to our experience and our behaviour and they can condition the way of dealing in different situation and in all forms of communications .

It is by combining successive attitudes in to a single pose that a work creates the illusion of movement: ”If people in photographs, caught in action, seem suddenly frozen in midair, it’s because of their body are reproduced in the same precise fortieth of a second. And so they lack the progressive unwinding of a gesture that we find in art”

Auguste Rodin,19II

The body in motion is expressed as a transformation, from one shape to another.looking at human motions i came across a few artist which I am going to look at them: the german Renaissance artist Albrecht Durer,Edward Muybridge

References : Philippe Comar ,The Human Body Image and Emotion ,1999,Thomes & Hudson Ltd,London

The more I research about this subject the more i came across lots of questions!Questions of appearance and representation are central to regarding emotions as emerging from motion: How do emotions present themselves? How are they represented in motion? Whatis their relation to the specific media contexts of the arts – how can an embodied relation with,for instance: a printed text or a two-dimensional image, be conceived of and habitualized? Howare embodied emotions brought into visibility, audibility or readability? How can media processes? How could i Record that with my photography skills?!

I am hoping to find answers to these question by end of this project!

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